Riga and Vilnius (Recap at 122 Days)

Riga and Vilnius (Recap at 122 Days)

From Tallinn, we took a fun day tour on Thursday, September 1, 2016, en route to Riga, Latvia. It was really nice to see some sights en route from point A to point B instead of just blowing by them on a rental car or bus, and we had a great journey!


I think this sign technically means it’s a work site…


The sleepy town of Viljandi, Estonia is famous for its large concrete strawberries scattered around town. Cute!


at a small town in Latvia on the way to Riga, I believe

En route, we stopped in Sigulda, Latvia, which is a small town known mostly for its bobsled practice track. Apparently there aren’t many things to do around town, but kids growing up there all end up really good at bobsled because this is where they pass their spare time! You can see how we had the privilege of just walking down the track, given that it wasn’t being used for practice at the time.


Riga town square, where we saw the street performers you can see in the Youtube video embedded below


Riga Old Town is beautiful… and you can see here how well integrated it is with modern life. Fridays anyone?


Hill of Crosses in northern Lithuania


the scope of the Hill of Crosses is really incredible

Note that while I have a couple shots of the Hill of Crosses above, you can see Charley’s incredible photo essay here.


Luxury bus seats from Riga to Vilnius. We ride in style! (especially when it’s only an extra 5 Euros per person)


The Stebuklas miracle tile in Vilnius, Lithuania – some sites say you have to spin around three times and then jump and clap. We might have looked like idiots trying it.


Enjoying Vilnius together!


Beautiful Vilnius!


Restroom sign we saw in Kaunas, Lithuania


Vilnius cat cafe was amazing


Hi, buddy. You just keep on napping, and we’ll keep on watching.

Craig Chu

Craig Chu

Craig is a credentialed pension actuary who worked most recently as a software developer with Winklevoss Technologies, in Greenwich, CT USA, where he worked to maintain and develop ProVal, the world’s leading software product for pension valuation and forecasting analytics. A proud graduate of Caltech, he is a big fan of all things science-related, as well as (in no particular order of preference) beer, New York City, choral singing, and cats. He can be reached at craig@draftitinerary.com


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